Spring Detox

This year, spring seems a bit late, but it's finally here! Spring is a time of renewal and regrowth for everything. As the weather warms up and the days get longer, animals come out of hibernation, and people naturally feel more invited to spend time outdoors. Spring is also an excellent time to start fresh and cleanse your body of toxins and extra weight that may have built up over the winter.

While it's common knowledge that eating more and exercising less can cause weight gain, high cholesterol and sugar levels, and increased inflammation, what is less noticed is that these issues can also be linked to non-optimal liver function or hormonal imbalances. Impaired liver function can hinder not only your digestion, but also your cholesterol production and hormone clearance, which can contribute significantly to fatigue, mood issues, weight gain, and an expanding waistline. Therefore, it's crucial to have a healthy liver, as it's the essential organ of detoxification in your body.

In springtime, the body is naturally more receptive to detoxification as it responds to environmental cues. This aligns well with ancient Chinese Medicine principles. In Chinese medicine, spring is associated with the liver, the organ responsible for processing everything our body absorbs and digests, and detoxifying and shielding us from toxins. The liver is more active in spring, making it an ideal time to support its function and feel more energized and revitalized.

At Medical Acucare, we're thrilled to offer a spring detoxification program that can improve your liver function and create positive changes in multiple areas of your life. Dr. Geng has extensive knowledge and experience in both conventional and functional medicine, and will provide you with a tailored detoxification program after a comprehensive evaluation.

Want to stop feeling exhausted all the time? Want to lose the love handles and fit into your summer dresses? click the "Get Started" button in the upper right corner to begin your journey with us!


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